Social WG

Revision as of 18:54, 15 December 2022 by Jonny (talk | contribs)
Description Organizing moderation, conflict resolution, and intra-instance communication
Projects Mastodon/Moderation, Mastodon/Code of Conduct
Part of Mastodon
Active Status Active




sneakers-the-rat#Blocklist22-12-10 05:22:08

Mastodon/Social WG#TODO - discuss the Defederated Instances#Instances To Discuss - decide what we want to do with edge cases/cases where we already had a number of people following people from these instances

sneakers-the-rat#social-wg22-12-15 22:54:07

Mastodon/Social WG#TODO: Once we have rules and about and more of a mod team set up (Mastodon/Bootstrapping) we should ask to be put on fediscience's instance list Fediverse Indexes

sneakers-the-rat#social-wg22-12-15 22:54:47

Mastodon/Social WG#TODO: Once we have rules and about and more of a mod team set up we should ask to be put on fediscience's instance list Fediverse Indexes